
Gaining ones spiritual awareness can be an exciting and often challenging path with many rewards. I was 39 when I started on my path, prior to that time I was following what my family had given me as my spiritual path. My paternal grandmother and my mother indoctrinated me into the Baptist church at an early age. I adopted their spiritual belief system as my own and it served me well until my early 20’s when I began to develop a different life-style. A life-style where I was independent and making my own choices about my life that were outside of what my programming said was acceptable behavior. This caused me a lot of inner conflict and turmoil which resulted in self-destructive behavior. I was torn between what I wanted to do and what my religious programming said I should do. I mostly did what I wanted to do and suffered the guilt that followed. Can any of you relate to this? Fortunately for me I discovered self-hypnosis, psychic development training, Science Of Mind belief, by Ernest Holmes and I read many, many self-help books while on my path to spiritual development.                                                                                                                                                 I am sharing this with you so that you will know how challenging it was for me to gain my spiritual development and the information that I share in my book “Exploring Inner Dimensions-Expression In The Present.” For many years I shared my information in classes at the church that I helped establish until I no longer wished to teach. I then began to write my book which took many years to complete due to my lack of self-discipline. I can promise you that you will find beneficial knowledge that can enhance your life experiences in this book because of my own experience.


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