Self-Destructive Behavior

Hello and welcome.  I know that self-destructive behavior can be a challenging subject. Most of us have engaged in this behavior at sometime in our life and most of us do not want to confront these behaviors.  What causes us to develop these self-destructive patterns of behavior. Do you know what started your self-destructive path or when it started? Most of us do not even realize that we are self-destructive, but we have behaviors that we wish we did not do or we may vow never to do that again each time the behavior occurs. Unprocessed emotions, pain, hurt, or fear can cause unhealthy behaviors. These reactions are a natural response to the fear of being hurt again. Personal challenges impact our thoughts and perception of how we view the world and our behavior in the world. Unprocessed emotions from difficult experiences impact our emotional and mental health and can lead to developing negative and turbulent patterns that are destructive; self-sabotage, addictions, relationship issues, avoidance patterns, and lack of control in your behaviors. There are several methods of transforming these unhealthy patterns of behavior into healthy behavior. Counseling being the most acceptable mode, but I believe in metaphysical, spiritual work and it doesn’t cost as much as counseling. With metaphysical work we discover and connect with our higher consciousness; gain the awareness of our-self as divine spiritual energy, and own our spiritual power. We then release and clear negative programming and patterns that are causing the self-destructive behaviors. We always fill up with our highest spiritual energy after every healing session. We focus on the realization that we are perfect the way we are and where we are at in our development and that we choose to rebuild our life in a positive healthy way. We adopt the belief and feeling that whatever it is that we want already exists and that we have it. There are a multitude of good self-help books on the subject of healing and the one I prefer is “The Science Of Mind” by Ernest Holmes. It is advanced for a beginner, but the information is wonderful.

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